John F. Kelly, Ph.D., A.B.P.P. – Recovery Research Institute
Dr. Kelly has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, chapters, and books in the field of addiction medicine, and was an author on the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. He has won numerous state, national, and international lifetime achievements and distinguished scientist awards for his work.
About – Recovery Research Institute
Founded in 2012 by Dr. John F. Kelly, the Recovery Research Institute is a team of innovative scientists working through: Research; Education; Outreach; to enhance recovery through science, conducting and disseminating the most up-to-date research findings for individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and policymakers alike. RESEARCH
Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work? Scientific Review From Dr.
Dr. John Kelly of the MGH Recovery Research Institute led the most rigorous scientific review of Alcoholics Anonymous performed to date. Study results suggest that AA and other 12-step programs for addressing alcohol use disorder are very effective at supporting abstinence, improving alcohol-related outcomes, and doing so in a cost-effective way.
Recovery Research Institute – Enhancing Recovery Through Science
Putting out the Fires of Addiction with Dr. John Kelly NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING National Service Recovery Forum – Dr. John Kelly Keynote NOW PLAYING A Future Without Discrimination Webcast NOW PLAYING Overcoming Stigma, Ending Discrimination
About Us – Final – Recovery Research Institute
Founded in 2012 by Dr. John F. Kelly, the Recovery Research Institute is a team of innovative scientists working through research, education and outreach to enhance recovery through science, conducting and disseminating the most up-to-date research findings for individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and policymakers alike.
National Recovery Study | Dr. John F. Kelly | Multiple Pathways to ...
Dr. John Kelly shares exciting new data and findings from the National Recovery Study at the 2017 Multiple Pathways to Recovery Conference. This is the 1st-ever study to obtain a nationally represe…
SSA Conference 2021 – Society Lecture by Dr. John Kelly
SSA Conference 2021 – Society Lecture by Professor John Kelly from SSA on Vimeo. Dr. John Kelly delivered the Society Lecture at the Society for the Study of Addiction Annual Conference of 2021.
John F. Kelly, PhD ABPP Elizabeth R. Spallin Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine Harvard Medical School Director Recovery Research Institute Associate Director Center for Addiction Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Content presented here represents the views of the presenter/author and do not necessarily represent the views of any
Broken Brain Podcast: Putting out the Fires of Addiction with Dr.
Dr. John Kelly sat down with Dhru Purohit of the Broken Brain Podcast to discuss the state of the addiction treatment and recovery field in the United States, current treatment approaches, and how language influences stigma and quality of care.
Pathways to Recovery: Dr. John Kelly at ‘From Research to …
Dr. Kelly talks about the many different pathways to recovery.