Film scholar and documentarian Julia Smith, shown above with the poster, is launching a fundraising campaign for her upcoming documentary “Birth of the Acid Western” by presenting a special screening ...
A study to determine whether a new hospital building will be needed to serve Grant County’s needs in the future has raised more questions than answers, but Gila Regional Medical Center is now looking ...
The former U.S. Army Reserve center in Silver Heights could become transitional housing for students and their families in the Silver Consolidated School District after the Silver City Town Council ...
Gay Hedges, warehouse manager for the Frontier Food Hub in Silver City, moves a load of mushrooms produced by Full Circle Mushrooms into the Food Hub’s warehouse. Full Circle Mushrooms is a farm ...
A stand of trees in the northern reaches of the Gila National Forest — one which could be up for logging efforts under President Donald Trump’s recent executive order seeking to promote domestic ...
This map, provided by the New Mexico State Land Office, shows the location of a 160-acre community solar project that its developer, Pluma LLC of Albuquerque, expects to break ground on later this ...
Lucy Whitmarsh, former chief of Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire and Rescue, talks Thursday at the Pinos Altos Opera House about how her neighborhood, Dos Griegos, became a Firewise Community. About 60 ...
Concerns about patient privacy, the lack of behavioral health care, and recruiting and retaining staff were among those voiced Monday evening at a town hall meeting on Gila Regional Medical Center.
Saying Silver City is not like other communities, Mayor Ken Ladner broke a tie vote of the Town Council on Tuesday night, nixing a proposal for a citizens advisory board for the Silver City Police ...
Chrys Masuda, a member of the Southwest Women’s Fiber Arts Collective, works to mend a hole in a cashmere sweater belonging to Martin Cantrell. Cantrell brought the sweater in for the fourth “Mending ...
Stephen Estrada, vice president of the Copper Little League, center, and George E. Reyes talk to the Bayard City Council on Wednesday about reviving the name of the Little League T-ball field, which ...
Keana Huerta, second from right, hugs her mother, Delilah Huerta, on Monday after the New Mexico Senate voted unanimously to confirm her as the student regent for Western New Mexico University. After ...