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While Boston Mayor Michelle Wu was funny — don’t expect her to give up her day job. Throughout the interview, Wu stayed on message about why Boston is such a great city!
After being in business on Centre Street for more than a century, George’s Shoes will be closing this June. The business was founded by George Abrams in 1922, and sells shoes, handbags, jewelry, and a ...
How cool would it be to design the upcoming Jamaica Plain Open Studios’ t-shirt? Pretty darn cool. “It has been many years since we have had an official JPOS T-shirt! We are excited to bring back this ...
Mozart Park needs your help to win $1 million to get a brand new park. Renovating Mozart Park is one of seven projects vying for the million as part of the Youth Lead the Change program. The project ...
The BRA sponsored study of the Washington Street corridor, Plan JPRox, had a rousing kick off on July 28 as previously reported by the Jamaica Plain News. Now it’s time to get down to work. The first ...
The neighborhood will get a closer look Wednesday at the five-story mixed-use development that would rise where a much-loved pub once stood. James’s Gate Pub, fireplace and dual bars included, closed ...
Josh Jurrens and his wife are the owners of Hoodthreads, a design company specifically featuring Boston area clothing, including Jamaica Plain. Jurrens, originally from Madison, Wisconsin, now lives ...
The threat of rain could not stop the 39th Annual Wake Up the Earth Parade and Festival Saturday, May 13. After the festival was postponed for a week due to inclement weather, Jamaica Plain came out ...
Since Frederick Law Olmsted designed Franklin Park in 1885, it has been the centerpiece of the Boston park system that became known as our beloved Emerald Necklace. That’s the past. Now there’s a lot ...