More than two decades later, tea drinking is back on Tbilisi’s Rustaveli Avenue. This time, however, protest tea is served ...
Bebua, an ethnic Georgian resident of the occupied Gali district, was arrested on September 30, 2020 by the Russian-backed ...
Georgian photojournalists and documentary photographers stated they are “disturbed” and “outraged” by World Press Photo’s ...
After a long and tense winter of protests, Georgia finds itself facing a political crisis that continues to deepen as the weather warms. But despite the warming weather the country seems frozen in ...
Concluding her visit to the Baltic states the Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili met on March 28 with top Estonian officials, including President Alar Karis, Speaker of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar, ...
В рамках своего турне по странам Балтии Зурабишвили 26 марта посетила Латвию, где встретилась со своим латвийским коллегой Эдгарсом Ринкевичсем, вице-спикером Сейма Зандой Кальниней-Лукашевичей и ...
По предварительным данным Службы статистики Грузии, опубликованным 19 марта, внешнеторговый оборот Грузии товарами в ...
Georgian Dream parliamentary majority leader Mamuka Mdinaradze announced the introduction of a bill, he referred to as “successor parties law”, which targets opposition groups deemed “hostile” to the ...