Park to be developed in consultation with the agency that developed world’s first night safari in Singapore; Phase I to be ...
New Jersey's black bears are rousing from their winter naps and they're hungry. The DEP urged residents to secure potential outdoor food sources.
Thousands of black bears live in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Here are some tips for staying safe as they ...
Hey friends, Jer here. Sorry the last note had some typos. It being later in the evening is no excuse, but at least you know ...
To educate the public on proper bear safety and etiquette, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is hosting a series of community events throughout south-central Montana.
Shannon R. Parker, 50, of Abbeville, was cited for allegedly shooting a Louisiana black bear in Vermilion Parish during closed season and will face civil restitution totaling $10,000 for the ...
The Stolen Lives of Elephants makes a compelling argument for legislation to keep wild animals out of captivity ...
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, built on 146 acres at an elevation of nearly 7,000 feet, isn’t just beloved by locals. It's now been ...
As the weather becomes warmer and people become more active outdoors, encounters with bears may increase. Hibernating bears will emerge from their dens with mothers and cubs being the last ...
In May 2018, Joe Exotic agreed to surrender the wolf dogs that came from the Minnesota farm. During this time, LARC rescued ...
· Do take note of your location and call the NC Wildlife Helpline (866-318-2401). If after hours or on weekends, call a ...
According to MassWildlife, there are at least 4,500 black bears in Massachusetts and their range is expanding eastward.