Meteoritics is the study of meteorites — solid parts of asteroids or comets that have landed on another celestial body, notably (but not limited to) the Earth. Measuring the composition of ...
Archaeologists in Arizona found the Winona meteorite inset in what was assumed ... tradition and a range of ceremonies surrounding the Willamette meteor, the largest meteor found in North America.
If you're ready to venture out and get a dose of sun and culture, Willamette Week has your Spring Arts Guide. WW’s Assistant Arts & Culture Editor Andrew Jankowski joined KATU’s Steve Dunn on ...
A set of ancient artifacts, dating back over 2,700 years, has been found to include iron forged from meteorites– an extraordinary find that is rewriting what we know about early metalworking.
MANILA, Philippines — After over a year of wooing a German astronomer, a group of Filipino space enthusiasts has successfully brought back two Philippine meteorites they plan to donate to the ...
Sewage and stormwater began spilling into the Willamette River around 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, when weekend rains overflowed Portland’s Big Pipe system. The sewage-stormwater mix drained into ...
A dull bracelet and a rusted hollow hemisphere decorated with gold are forged, researchers have found, not out of metal from beneath the ground, but with iron from meteorites that fell from the sky.
The Pampanga and Paitan meteorites have officially returned to the Philippines. At an unveiling event on Saturday in a Pasig City mall, the Philippine Meteorite Repatriation Team, in collaboration ...
The Willamette Valley is a long way from the deserts of Arizona and California, but that has not stopped a tiny feathered visitor who normally lives there from paying a rare visit to Oregon.
The tomb’s iron beads came from a meteorite, providing the oldest known evidence of human interactions with those remarkable remnants of our solar system in statu nascendi. The Meteorites, by the ...
The items had varying levels of meteorite elements mixed with the other iron, researchers said. Muzeum Częstochowskie Screengrab from Archeologia Żywa's Facebook post The collection is ...