The VALORANT Battle Pass enriches gameplay by offering players exclusive cosmetic rewards through dual tracks - free and premium. Premium track, purchasable with real money, provides additional items.
Priced at 8700VP, players will also get an Araxys Gun Buddy, Araxys Card and an Araxys Spray. The new battlepass and ARAXYS skins will be available with the VALORANT Episode 6 Act I, which begins on ...
Valorant pros and creators have been reacting ... This is because of her codename “Refract,” plus the battle pass Prismatic Pathways player card. Per Riot Games, fans are encouraged to ...
The 10.04 Patch for Valorant has arrived, bringing with it the new Duelist - Waylay, various Agent updates, a new map rotation, and more! This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the 10.04 ...