A major scientific leap has been made with the creation of the longest ultra-secure quantum satellite link between China and ...
It was not until the latter half of 1971, when pharmaceutical chemist Tu Youyou was rereading the Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang as part of her research into effective traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions ...
The New York Times crossword puzzle can be tough, even if it isn't the Sunday issue! If you're stuck, we're here to help you out with today's clues and answers.The Latest Tech News, Delivered to Your ...
Soon after his suicide in 1989 at the age of 25, Hai Zi’s poems about nature, loneliness, and the fleeting nature of yearning and happiness began inspiring a generation of steadfast, fiercely ...
UBC has announced the 26 Teams joining the 49th cohort of startups in its 'Venture Founder' program this spring, supported by Innovation UBC.