The Atacama Desert is a major source of lithium for EV batteries. As global demand ramps up, the local Lickanantay people are ...
A closer look at those three instruments, specifically their recitals, reveals that they are designed to complement and reinforce each other in achieving the overall objective of a just ...
With increasing pressure to reduce fossil fuel dependence, enhance energy security, and meet international climate ...
This move could serve as a broad basis for the voice of the diverse civil society in Mediterranean countries, and preparations for the World Climate Conference to be held at the end of the year on the ...
But he cautions that the water extracted with the brine evaporates and is lost to the atmosphere, disrupting the socio-ecological and ... thought it would set an example for my people, but I ...
He said development has introduced numerous challenges that environmentalists and economists are grappling with in search of ...
By Dr. David King BOISON Alternative funding sources for Ghana’s 24-hour port economy Securing sustainable financing is a ...
Conf is part of the international farmers’ network La Via Campesina (La Via), which is one of the biggest social movements on the planet, with more than 200 million farmers on all continents. La Via’s ...
Their forestry sector has grown nearly tenfold, with 80 per cent of commercial timber now produced by smallholders. This ...
Themes were organised within a socio-ecological model. Setting Non-profit organisations ... The presence of healthy parents and nurturing environments, for example, are associated with fewer ...