Reyna’s temporary removal from VALORANT led to surprising reactions - was ranked play more enjoyable without her?
The cast of playable VALORANT characters has steadily grown since the game’s release in 2020. Riot Games has been punctual about releasing new content, including skins, maps, and agents.
Using your ultimate ability correctly in VALORANT is essential to getting the most out of whichever agent you choose to play. Though certain agents have more impactful ultimates than others, when ...
VALORANT's essential tryhard agent Reyna is one of the game's most popular Duelists. After a significant issue emerged in her ...
Reyna mains, rejoice! The Mexican duelist, one of the most iconic and polarizing agents in VALORANT, has officially been ...
Reyna is one of VALORANT's oldest and most well-known agents, favored by 'sweats' with aggressive playstyles and deadly aim. A recent patch has set the player b ...
TenZ has expressed his disappointment after Reyna's return, saying ranked was "more enjoyable" without her. Here's what we ...
Valorant update 1.000.034 is now out, reenabling console queues and bringing a fix for Reyna's Overheal ability.
VALORANT's most bloodthirsty agent is back after a bug fix. / Riot Games VALORANT's essential tryhard agent Reyna is one of the game's most popular Duelists. After a significant issue emerged in ...