That's the date of the vernal equinox, when both hemispheres of the Earth receive the same amount of daylight, according to ...
America’s most famous rodent, Phil, emerged from his den, turned around, and went right back to bed. I think I know how he ...
No, your power didn't go out — the time changed to daylight saving time! For some, daylight saving time is a sign that spring ...
Thinking about trying bale grazing this winter? Experts say bale grazing can cut labor, boost soil fertility and keep ...
Last Friday, a little after noon, I got a text from a friend who lives on the outskirts of Sutherland. He said he was seeing ...
As far as Pennsylvania goes, Keystone State residents should a spring that’s “warm” and “wet,” the almanac says. Temperatures ...
PUNXSUTAWNEY — Make-A-Wish® Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia is seeking volunteers to join its team of wish granters. From helping children brainstorm ideas for their wish to organizing ...
Clocks will spring forward an hour Sunday as daylight saving time begins. Here's why President Trump and Texas lawmakers want ...
Looking for the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebrations in your area? Here is a list of 10 popular events coming to the Great ...
And while February was colder than usual for much of the country, most of us are probably ready for this past week’s warmer ...
It’s that time of year again.  The beauty of winter has been largely erased. The once snow-flurried visage of snowglobe-like beauty that defines early winter through January has been ...
Gov. Josh Shapiro is a “different Democrat,” or so claim national pundits. The governor has made unorthodox yet inconsequential statements condemning terrorism, rebuking antisemitism on college ...