A better question is: "Has technology rendered the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution obsolete?" And "we say: Yes." Guns designed for civilians based on modern military technology are "too ...
Editor's note: This is a regular feature on issues related to the Constitution and civics education written by Paul G. Summers, retired judge and state attorney general. The U.S. Constitution is ...
President Trump is making good on his promise to defend and strengthen the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Just recently, the president signed an executive order, Protecting ...
28 —Joseph Story The Second Amendment in some ways may be on safer footing today than it has been for several decades. Recent Supreme Court rulings have affirmed core aspects of the right’s ...
Peterson, which held that noise suppressors (aka silencers or mufflers) are not "Arms" protected by the Second Amendment. As I recently posted about the case here, the decision overlooked that ...
The Second Amendment is one of the most important ones we have. Therefore we need to have a way to reinstate a person's civil rights which would include firearms," Seay said. According to the DOJ ...
The text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment make clear that it protects an individual right of private citizens to keep and bear personal arms for self-defense. The language itself is ...