Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in healthcare were meant to accomplish this: bringing providers into medical spaces ...
Five years ago, COVID-19 brought unprecedented change to health care throughout San Diego County. While some of those changes ...
After a patch of ice sent Marc Durocher hurtling to the ground, and doctors at UMass Memorial Medical Center repaired the broken hip that resulted, the 75-year-old electrician found himself ...
The narratives that have grown around pandemic lockdowns have increasingly supplanted any tales of the ingenuity, dedication, ...
When covid-19 struck, Natalya Rodriguez, fresh out of nursing school, watched as a flood of overwhelmed colleagues abandoned ...
When covid-19 struck, Natalya Rodriguez, fresh out of nursing school, watched as a flood of overwhelmed colleagues abandoned the health care field. Nothing had prepared nurses in the U.S. for a ...
Around the time horrific violence against nurses at hospitals in Florida and Pennsylvania captured February headlines, a patient attacked nurses at Backus Hospital in Norwich, sending one to the ...
Therapy and other mental health services have been thrown into turmoil amid the dramatic changes ordered by President Donald ...
With his groundbreaking executive order on health care price transparency, President Donald Trump paved the way to protecting American patients.
Yale New Haven Health announced that management and administration will be impacted by the restructuring of their operation model.
Dozens of health care workers and community members took to the streets outside Orlando Health Rockledge Hospital following the announcement that it will close on April 22. “Our community needs this ...