In the Church, we are made children of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- the God who makes known His name and His ways ...
On this third Sunday of Lent, we are invited to become aware of God’s presence through living things like bushes and fig ...
Seeing so many downed trees in western North Carolina reminded me of a tree described in the Bible. It is in a parable Jesus tells about a vineyard owner who wants to cut down a fig tree (Luke 13: ...
Today’s liturgy invites us to reflect on the mercy and patience of God, who calls us to conversion and offers us ...
Our Lord uses the parable of the barren fig tree to shock us into reflection, much like Flannery O’Connor’s “large and startling figures” sought to awaken her readers to divine truths. The fig tree ...
By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!” And he told them this parable: “There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came ...
In the parable we hear the third Sunday of Lent, Jesus is speaking of a fig tree that is nine to 10 years old and has not yet produced fruit. That is a long time to wait for a tree to produce fruit.
‘Holiday’ is a much smaller tree than ‘Hass’ and “Littlecado’ is a somewhat ... the terminal end of shoots that have fully matured, leathery leaves. T-budding (see fig. 1) is generally the best ...