Here’s what to know about the 138-year-old tradition, Punxsutawney Phil and how often he is right. When is Groundhog Day? Is Groundhog Day always on Feb. 2? Yes, Groundhog Day always falls on ...
This year’s prediction marks the 16th year in a row one of the Staten Island Zoo’s furry city slickers — all eponymously ...
Groundhog Day is arriving quickly and everyone is waiting to see whether or not Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow or not. You know the old adage - If the groundhog sees his shadow, he will ...
Known as the “Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordinary,” the [reportedly] 139-year-old groundhog will emerge from his burrow and ...
Groundhog Day Announcer ... The tradition comes from Germany. On an old religious holiday called "Candlemas Day," the Germans paid attention to the badger. Candlemas Day was the midpoint between ...
Donor-Advised Funds Support KQED by using your donor-advised fund to make a charitable gift. Groundhog Day predictions about the coming of spring put the spotlight on Punxsutawney Phil every Feb. 2, ...