While DC's Absolute Universe is still in its infancy, it has already shown that it could take out a few other worlds from ...
He’s the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way ... who (under the watchful eye of Principal Martian Manhunter) work to increase their powers and to become the next generation ...
The personal dynamics in Absolute Martian Manhunter are also fascinating. John is your typical workaholic, putting his work before his family. The issue begins with him barely surviving an explosion, ...
DC's latest multiversal initiative kicks off by giving Martian Manhunter the Absolute treatment. Writer Deniz Camp talks ...
Absolute Martian Manhunter #1 by Deniz Camnp and Javier Rodriguez shows the positives of smoking (Spoilers) Martian Manhunter ...
Absolute Martian Manhunter jumps from a six-issue mini-series to an ongoing series... or at least until #12 anyway.
Since then, J’onn has gone on to be portrayed as one of the original members of the Justice League and one of DC’s most stalwart heroes. Martian Manhunter has also frequently been seen in ...
Yet he remains obscure, despite being a founding member of the Justice League. However, a new Absolute Martian Manhunter comic gives new prominence to the alien hero, through a story that is equal ...
This month, we’ve got six exciting picks, ranging from Martian Manhunter to a romance between a vampire and a priest. Writer Deniz Camp has seen a huge profile boost over the last few years ...
The surface of the Red Planet is constantly exposed to cosmic rays, and the Martian soil is so reactive that it's hostile to any organic compounds. Gypsum from Algeria stood in for Martian sulfate ...