King County scientists created a soil mix that removes a toxic chemical from tire dust, potentially saving coho salmon.
In the aftermath of several high profile accidents,The King County Target Zero Coalition has introduced a new traffic safety ...
A property tax levy that funds a fingerprint identification system for local law enforcement agencies will go before King ...
Cities and localities in the Lake Travis-Westlake region are experiencing extreme drought conditions, leading to increased ...
The service is available to every city and unincorporated area in King County. The AFIS computer is used to quickly identify arrested individuals to prevent the wrongful release of individuals ...
Vancouver is considering annexation to better accommodate growth, possibly making it Washington's second-largest city.
The greater Bozeman, Montana, region has become ground zero for rampant luxury development that is taking the “public” out of ...
King County’s Solid Waste Division announced the new Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station will be built in Kirkland.  The ...
The detached 5-square-mile community — called an exclave because it’s completely separated from mainland America — is ...