Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind ... one purpose -- to be the personal servant of Jesus Christ, the word made flesh.
It does not seek to experience Jesus but to impose him ... man who although chosen to be an archbishop, remained a humble and faithful servant of the Gospel. His family lost one of theirs.
Just as Jesus cried (cf. Jn 11:35), so too Mary certainly ... The spring that Mary pointed out to Bernadette here in Lourdes is the humble sign of this spiritual reality. From her believing ...
The family wishes to express their profound gratitude to her “knight in shining armor”; Albert Petajan, who made sure the last years of Sylvia’s life were her very happiest due to his faithful love ...
There sat a gentle servant, always looking to help in any way possible ... We can all know power in the Name of Jesus, so let us cry out to Him and give Him glory. Kristen is a family doctor, and ...