Japan Adjusts Its Space Development Approach To Spur Startups is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical ...
A second commercially-built moon lander, this one built by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, landed near the moon's south pole Thursday, but telemetry indicated it ended up on its side. The lander ...
A privately owned lunar lander has touched down near the moon's south pole. But flight controllers in Texas fear it may have ...
A lunar lander made its touchdown on the moon earlier on Thursday, but controllers on the ground were unable to confirm the Athena lander’s condition upon landing, the Associated Press reported.
The IM-2 lander is believed to have reached the moon's south pole region, but its precise position and location are unclear.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.— A private lunar lander is no longer working after landing sideways in a crater near the moon’s south pole and its mission is over, officials said Friday. The news came ...