The Denver Police Department has a new high-tech training tool to help recruits and officers train for high-stress situations in a controlled environment.
Last year, the EPA changed the terms and conditions for its grants, eliminating its ability to do policy-based cancellations.
People with allergic asthma may benefit from natural remedies such as avoiding triggers, reducing stress, and an ...
The Trump administration's freeze on funding from the Inflation Reduction Act has left farmers and rural businesses in Georgia and across the country on the hook for costly energy efficiency upgrades ...
Staying on top of the world's environmental challenges can be a grim experience. Climate change, floods, wildfires, ...
Staying focused on the structural drivers of the economy is key to investing in this environment of heightened market ...
Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), in collaboration with international partners, have developed a ...
Wildfires, floods, and heat waves are intensifying, yet the failure to plan for climate extremes will result in mounting ...
Reps. Tom Craddick and Brooks Landgraf want to divert 10% of taxes collected on oil and gas production to help ...
Many animals change landscapes by acting as ‘ecosystem engineers’. Protecting and restoring nature can help us become more ...
The Trump administration’s efforts to block environmental-justice funding threaten hard-won progress in polluted places. Here ...