Progress is going swimmingly at the FishPass along the Boardman/Ottaway River in downtown Traverse City, according to an ...
Experts are warning that Trump administration workforce cuts at federal agencies overseeing U.S. dams are threatening their ...
Fontana Dam – Amid rampant speculation that a county municipality could cease to exist in just a few months, the lessee of a popular local resort appeared at a recent council mee... Premium Content is ...
Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second spillway at New Bullards Bar, could provide additional flood storage ...
Amidst the ongoing heavy rain and snowfall in the higher reaches of Himachal Pradesh, the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) opened the spillway gates of the Pandoh Dam on the Beas River on Friday as ...
CARROLL COUNTY, Ark. (KOAM) — Despite the winter weather, Wednesday morning, USACE Little Rock District engineers opened two spillway gates at Beaver Dam to evacuate flood storage from recent heavy ...
HARRISBURG, S.D. (KELO) — The spillway replacement project at the Lake Alvin Recreation Area south of Sioux Falls is nearing its completion. It’s a case of out with the old, in with the new at ...
A spillway opening can be triggered to keep river flow below 1.25 million cubic feet per second, which the Corps says tends to correlate to 17 feet on the Carrolton gauge. National Weather Service ...
Boaters and the public are urged to exercise caution near dam releases and to heed all posted warnings. High flows and rapid water level changes can be dangerous, particularly near spillways and ...
J. Percy Priest – Generating and spilling at 11,000 cfs. With cold temperatures and the spillway opened, Bell Road over the dam has been closed to all traffic due to icing. Current pool is at ...
And, generally, he said the multimillion dollar concrete auxiliary spillway — which resulted from the North Fork Dam Improvement Project, operational in 2021 — was designed and built to do ...