Portland Fire & Rescue, the Portland Police Bureau and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office are facing off for a good cause.
Firefighters from around the world came together to replace a Palisades Fire victim's t-shirt collection that was lost in the destruction.
According to the report, employees across various departments have been affected, including those in consulting, corporate ...
The Laredo Police Department celebrates 175 years with a museum exhibit showcasing memorabilia, restored patrol units and ...
DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. — Donors are asked to give blood during the first Douglas County Battle of the Badges Blood Drive on ...
Now, at 38, after 22 years in the fire service, Jessen is facing a battle far more personal: stage four lung cancer. The ...
First responders do incredible amount of good every day and this is a chance for us to do something for them.” – Rocky Boots ...