The animated croonnig trio of Alvin and the Chipmunks didn’t have their names selected randomly, Ross Bagdasarian named them ...
The denizens of the Middle Island wetlands may have short spring migrations, but it's still a perilous journey.
Chipmunks have an undeniably cute way of greeting ... The winner earns the right to court a female, often following her for days and gently rubbing his head against her back to show affection.
Separate plants bear either female flowers (shown ... Was it spring when the Eastern chipmunks, absent since late fall, were suddenly scurrying around in numbers the last week of February?
The Huntsman can’t do it, allowing Snow White to escape deeper into the woods, where gentle animals – deer, birds, squirrels, and chipmunks ... she seems like the female version of a ...
This article was originally posted on Goleta Surfing Char Harris has been an integral part of the local surf culture for ...
In August 2018, rap icon Mac Miller released his album “Swimming,” following a journey of loss and self-discovery, a stark ...
“Female, I guess, this time,” Cass said as he knelt over ... And Cass was doubtless right — Maggie had treed a chipmunk and wouldn’t stay even with that. But again her yelp came, this time with such ...
So far, I’ve seen robins, red-winged blackbirds, killdeers, herring gulls, grackles, great-blue herons, geese, chipmunks ... in the company of males. The female does all the work in the building ...
Female friendship has been in the news lately, with "friendship" Barbies just announced by Mattel, as well as a few different takes on the messiness of friendship in HBO's The White Lotus, like ...
Video games cover a wide range of genres and themes, from fantasy landscapes to entire universes filled to the brim with spaceships and enemies that redefine the sci-fi genre. Within each, there ...