City will continue to pay rent on Roosevelt Hotel until 2026, finance repairs & renovations before handover to PIA • Developers eyeing downtown ... settled. Property experts in New York say ...
“I wouldn’t go as far as to call it the new Clandestino,” she added, referring to the downtown ... normal people to get a drink in the city,” Mr. Marcus, an occasional contributor to The ...
According to Bernie Bayer, senior partner at Taurus Property Group, downtown remains what he calls an “interesting market,” but is returning to normal growth ... Bayer says a new offering ...
Graham Dickie/The New York Times As the chief executive of Golden Age Hospitality, Mr. Neidich, 43, runs a chic downtown empire ... But we’re still using normal ice cubes here, not large ones.” ...
Alec Baldwin suffers from a classic New York predicament ... the actor’s penthouse duplex at Devonshire House holds Hilaria, his wife, and their seven children, four dogs, four cats, and ...
“We thought about what would make a store stand out from just a normal shopping ... Dick’s House of Sport currently operates stores in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina ...
Some workers bought houses far outside the city, or left the New York area completely ... WPP will be stronger once its office returns to normal. “When we get through to the other side, it ...
Michelle Obama feared her daughters would make it into The New York ... the White House during Barack Obama’s presidency. “I wanted to give my girls enough rope to live and be normal teenagers ...
He’s talked to a few about the seemingly normal family that lived in the worn, two-story white house with pale blue ... small city between Hartford and New York are contending with a hunger ...
The New York-based lender said in earnings ... the lender for another BPM property in Portland, specifically a portion of downtown’s Broadway Tower that houses a hotel, filed a lawsuit alleging ...
But both Bloomberg and the New York Times reported that as the day went on Wednesday, more than 100 buildings disappeared from the list. By Wednesday morning, the non-core property list was gone ...
It's not uncommon to see a famous person strolling downtown ... to live and be normal people,” artist Kristin Bortles said, taking a break from planning a mural for a new coffee shop.