Separately, the researchers also developed a soft gripper, which can be attached to a rigid robot. It was tested in the South ...
Scientists are diving into the deep sea to study one of the universe’s biggest mysteries—quantum gravity. Using KM3NeT, a ...
As far as elevator pitches go Dark Mass' 'the first horror game set entirely in a fully submerged underwater manor' is ...
A new study from researchers at the University of St. Andrews’s Sea Mammal Research Unit in Scotland suggests ... This ...
China's manned deep-sea submersible Jiaolong has set a new record for dive frequency in its first hardware-testing mission ...
With a movie screen as black as night, audiences sit in darkness hearing the faint bubbles of a deep-sea diver breathing ...
Deep-sea fish thrive in extreme pressure, darkness, and pollution, revealing new survival mechanisms and threats.
Benson Amps has unveiled signature pedal developed with Seattle-based indie-rock stalwart Jessica Dobson that will help you nail her Deep Sea Diver electric guitar tones – and a lot more besides.