Builder’s risk insurance provides property coverage for buildings and structures that are under construction. It also covers structures, temporary storage buildings, equipment, lost sales income ...
Insurance industry representatives say some New York construction accidents are being staged as part of a conspiracy. Others ...
Construction industry advocates contend a law from 1885 increasingly is being exploited by unscrupulous people who ...
Instead, call general contractors to ask if the insurer's recommended coverage limit is adequate, advises Kevin Daley, president of the private client group for EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants.
"Your dwelling coverage is based on the cost to rebuild- not the price you paid. Insurance companies consider the cost of construction, materials, and skilled labor, which can fluctuate.
Do I Need Builder’s Risk Coverage for Construction? Builders risk insurance protects materials you purchased to be installed on your property or en route to your property, in case of damage or ...
For your next construction project in New York, securing commercial general liability coverage as an additional insured may not be as simple as ...
Artificial Intelligence can help contractors develop better subcontractor relationships and streamline certificate of ...
Time is running out to highlight Canada’s top construction insurance providers. Your insights will help shape the Brokers on ...
For a fairly low price, it provides valuable liability insurance, personal property coverage and more. See who we found to be the best renters insurance companies. Our ratings take into account ...