A Durham city building home to a popular pub has hit the market, and could be yours for £525,000. Housing The Dun Cow - which is unaffected by the sale - the building is being marketed by Savills.
A Tube union wants London Underground staff to be given “priority access” to new homes being built by Transport for London.
This puts the increase 1% over July's retail price index (RPI) - something that fare prices ... that are focused on journeying around a major city. The government also said it would agree to ...
Cheaper fares, a simplification of the ticketing system, more carriages, better-designed new rolling stock, and more – not fewer – staff on stations ... by at least the RPI.
This commissioning schedule encompasses key projects in housing, firefighting and emergency response, security, healthcare, education and judiciary welfare across Port Harcourt City, Obio/Akpor ...
TfL’s property company, Places for London, is working in partnership on a number of new schemes, including for up to 300 homes next to High Barnet station ... an “above RPI” pay increase ...
Explosions were used to demolish stacks at former Homer City Generating Station Saturday morning.Just after 7:30 a.m. the four stacks were toppled, leaving one stack half standing and sending ...