It’s very easy to figure out your Chinese Zodiac Element because all you need to know is your birth year, specifically the last number of your birth year. What Do the Chinese Zodiac Elements Mean?
The Five Elements Theory, also known as Wu Xing, is the source of the Chinese Zodiac Elements. Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water are the five elements of the Chinese zodiac. This philosophy ...
Chinese astrology provides another way to look at some of the karmic imprints you come into life with, affecting personality, challenges, and more. You'll find similarities between the two, but ...
Beyond the animal sign, compatibility can also depend on your Chinese Zodiac Element. The Five Elements Theory or Wu Xing is a philosophy used to describe the relationship and interdependence ...
Wacky Races has got nothing on the story behind the Chinese Zodiac. With displays of cheating worthy of Dick Dastardly, Penelope Pitstop levels of kindliness and the kind of teamwork displayed by ...