Health secretary RFK, Jr. has repeatedly suggested that farmers should let bird flu spread through flocks. Experts explain ...
Despite the significant advances in poultry or waterfowl production in recent years, infectious diseases (including viral and bacterial) remain the greatest ...
The H7N9 strain of bird flu was detected on a poultry farm in Mississippi. The infection of 47,654 commercial chickens was ...
Chickenpox is an acute and highly contagious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus, primarily affecting children at a young age. The virus spreads through the respiratory route and through ...
Johns Hopkins infectious disease experts Aaron Milstone, M.D., M.H.S., and Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., provide answers to some common questions. Who is most at risk for measles? Unvaccinated ...
Vaccination can prevent not only measles infections but also serious complications, public health officials say. Droplets containing the measles virus can stay in the air for several hours, and ...
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A chickenpox outbreak has been reported at Penn State University. University Health Services confirmed three cases of the virus at the University Park campus. Officials say ...
Read guidance, analysis, and updates on the myriad issues arising from the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated hourly every day, the insights published here are written by leading ...
At a population level, it remains our most harmful infectious disease, with thousands of hospitalisations and 664 deaths last year. Understandably perhaps, many people want to move on from the early ...
According to The National Chicken Council, egg-laying hens account for over 77% of the poultry affected by the virus. But experts say it's not that simple. Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious ...
Keratosis pilaris, sometimes called “chicken skin,” is a common skin ... or buttocks. It isn’t contagious, and these bumps don’t usually cause discomfort or itching. The condition, which ...
A blood test can also be done to check to see if you have an active chickenpox infection or if you are immune to the disease. A small amount of blood is drawn and sent to a lab to check for ...