CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) — The city of Chesapeake will get more than $1 million in federal money to make improvements at the Portlock Road train crossing, where two people have been killed in the ...
Fuller, accompanied by Miss Edith Houck, rode from Nelsonville to Lancaster to experience and write about the final train.
In a statement, Gardner said, “I am stepping down as CEO to ensure that Amtrak continues to enjoy the full faith and ...
A proposed high-speed train from Baltimore to Washington would harm a national park, a national wildlife refuge, the Chesapeake Bay and numerous nearby communities — and charge expensive ticket prices ...
Chesapeake is inviting the public to offer input ... bus rapid transit and light rail. The study team has also publicized four possible alignment alternatives. Hampton Roads Transit and city ...
CHESAPEAKE — Leaders this week voted to support ... to apply for a $1.3 million grant from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, though HRT has already submitted the ...
The train was the Chesapeake and Ohio's No. 37. "It was dark on the station platform. A good thing, perhaps. Tears ran unrestrained down the cheeks of men and women as they watched the train's ...