UNLV Rebels men's golfer Caden Fioroni has been named the Mountain West Conference golfer of the week. The conference announced this honor on Thursday. He becomes the second member of the team to ...
La influencer coreana Chingu Amiga se volvió viral por mostrar sus choques culturales con la cultura mexicana, pero su último video no fue del agrado de los usuarios de TikTok Doris Jocelyn, ...
When Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Calif., sat down with constituents post-pandemic, they sent him back to Washington with an edict: we need more affordable and available child care. “This was their ...
DOUGLAS COUNTYRuben De La Rosa Prieto, 45, and Evelia Gutierrez, 45. Jose G. Hernandez Flores, 21, and Jacquelyn Galindo-Morales, 20. David J. Albino, 23, and Daniel ...
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Six months have passed since Morgan Academy quarterback Caden Tellier suited up for what no one realized would be his last football matchup. An in-game injury took the ...
Often, he also learns what he needs to improve in order to stay in the majors. Caden Dana’s three-start cameo in the big leagues last September was all of the above. Dana, the Angels’ top ...
Tras horas de angustiosa espera, familiares y rescatistas encontraron sin vida a Harumi Carbajal Velásquez entre los escombros del Real Plaza Trujillo. La joven, quien se encontraba en el patio de ...
Una joven de tan solo 24 años, identificada como Harumi Carbajal Velásquez, trabajadora de la tienda Ripley, fue confirmada como una de las víctimas mortales del colapso del techo en el patio ...
Entre las seis víctimas fatales confirmadas se encuentra Harumy Carbajal Velásquez, una joven de 24 años que trabajaba en la tienda Ripley. Su trágica muerte ha conmocionado a sus seres queridos y a ...
California District 24 Congressman Salud Carbajal held a community meeting at the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County on Friday afternoon, during which he called out President Trump and the House ...