In a groundbreaking study, Chinese scientists have turned to advanced technology to map the nation’s forests and count its ...
Boffins from a top Scandinavian University made the ground breaking discovery, showing that we may have hundreds of millions ...
What if you could take a picture of every gene inside a living organism—not with light, but with DNA itself? Scientists at ...
DESI's first dataset maps 18.7 million celestial objects, aiding dark energy, galaxy, and universe expansion studies.
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have developed "tomoseqr"—a new software tool that enables easy estimation of the ...
Punjab, like the southern states, has effectively maintained population control, with its population now below the replacement level. They should not be disadvantaged,” he added.
Progress in reducing global poverty has essentially halted: by 2030, nearly 7 percent of the world's population—nearly 600 million people—will still struggle in extreme poverty. Within-country ...
However, 3D-GS heavily relies on the quality of the initial point cloud, and its original Adaptive Density Control (ADC) module has difficulty handling regions with sparse initial points. This issue ...
The sudden withdrawal of almost half of global funding for nutrition suddenly will have dire consequences for decades.
ADHD-related TikTok content shapes viewer perceptions of the condition, but experts found that the videos often make inaccurate claims regarding symptoms and treatment, according to a study ...
The lobate shape of lymphatic endothelial cells puzzled researchers—now they’ve found it helps stabilize lymphatic capillaries against fluid pressure changes.