Some advocates believe the courts eventually will approve displaying the Ten Commandments in every public school.
Return of the Ten Commandments
The latest Ten Commandments bill before the Alabama Legislature attempts to thread a needle. The bill tries to use that SCOTUS ruling about old displays, which the bill plainly mentions, as cover for ...
Missouri students would see the words “I AM THE LORD thy God” followed by the Ten Commandments posted in every public and ...
A bill in the Missouri Senate’s education committee concerning religion in the classroom had senators, faith-based leaders ...
SB 594 would require that the Ten Commandments be displayed no smaller than 11 inches by 14 inches in a large, readable font.
A bill sponsored by Cape Girardeau-area Republican Sen. Jamie Burger would require all Missouri public and charter schools to ...
A hearing was held Tuesday morning by the Senate Education Committee on a proposed bill that would require Missouri school ...
A bill sponsored by Cape Girardeau-area Republican Sen. Jamie Burger would require all Missouri public and charter schools to ...