I wrote a forty-to-fifty-page treatment, which no one ever saw, of how the opera would unfold. And then I got that down to fifteen pages, which the composer saw, and then ten pages, which the ...
Sometimes the recognition of self and other is uncanny, even disturbing. In 1903, a criminal named Will West arrived at ...
If we read Ditlevsen’s poems through the lens of Lessing, you could say that Ditlevsen’s so-called sentimentality is a poetic anachronism that functions as a subversive tool, an anachronism on a par ...
1. Lovingreading or loving-reading (a double verb, conjugated as transitive, where what one loves-reads is someone or something, Lysias or the book). 2. Loving reading (in which case, it is reading ...
I fell in love with my best friend in high school because he was the first boy who could plausibly love me back. Angsty boys always had a way of catching my itty-bitty shoegaze heart. My love—it was a ...
below and above them with pink.
My very first memory takes place at the local Blockbuster store, where I went one night with my father to rent a movie. I was four or five years old. He let me run ahead of him through the aisles, and ...
the castigations and the bountiful.