<em class="tit1">beneath the placid lake</em> is a projection-based installation that examines the multilayered spatial, social, and cultural aftermath of ...
A young father of two sons is left devastated by the sudden and unexpected death of his wife. His hold on reality crumbles as a seemingly malign presence begins to stalk him from the shadowy recesses ...
Claude Lanzmann verbrachte zwölf Jahre mit der Produktion von <em class="tit2">Shoah</em> (1985), einem bahnbrechenden Werk, das einen grundlegend neuen Ansatz zur ...
Jing Haase holds a master’s degree in film and German language, culture and literature. During and after her time at university, she worked for festivals in many capacities, ranging from driver to ...
Die Oscar-nominierte Kostümbildnerin Bina Daigeler gehört zu den gefragtesten Künstlerinnen der internationalen Filmindustrie. Ihre jüngsten Arbeiten für Kinofilme waren Pedro Almodóvars The Room Next ...
Jing Haase begann bereits während ihres Studiums der Filmwissenschaft und Germanistik in unterschiedlichen Funktionen für Filmfestivals zu arbeiten – von Fahrerin und Programmerin bis hin zur ...
World premieres are prioritised (see General Information on Premiere Status). German films must be world premieres to be eligible for Berlinale Shorts. The film’s country of origin is determined by ...
History has left scars on the body of Abidin ErtuÄŸrul, the partner of director Nathalie Borgers. Her film follows these scars back to the Turkey of the 1970s, when ErtuÄŸrul was forced out of the bus ...