The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors gathered several representatives of Long Beach’s Cambodian community on Tuesday, ...
Black 5th grader receives a toy monkey and toilet with fake poop in it as fundraising prize - The family of student is asking ...
From a chain of massive barges stretching from a Chinese beach into the sea, to a powerful new design for cutting undersea ...
The bill would do away with restrictions on 16- and 17-year-olds, who would be able to work more than eight hours a day on school nights.
The suit alleges the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power tried for months to cover up the harm caused by the fallen ...
This reverses a policy from now-former District Attorney George Gascón that barred prosecutors from seeking the death penalty ...
The departures were announced at a meeting of agency senior leaders. The Atlanta-based CDC has two dozen centers and offices.
In response to the lawsuit, the Trump administration has argued the passport policy change “does not violate the equal ...
No one has, fortunately. Trust and believe, Watkins will be back. And the top-seeded Trojans are still dancing, headed to the ...
The team’s three-game losing streak has coincided with with some major lapses on one end of the floor, even though key players have returned from injuries ...