Cal Fire's new maps for Southern California added 3.5 million acres into fire-hazard zones, increasing the acreage in the ...
Yolanda Marodi, wife of Cal Fire/Riverside Capt. Rebecca “Becky” Marodi, who was fatally stabbed last month, was arrested by ...
A new prescribed burn, named Sjrd Programmatic Pile Plan, was initiated 2:57 p.m. Jan. 30 in Riverside County. The prescribed ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 6:55 p.m. in Riverside County. The wildfire has been burning on private land. Currently, ...
Firefighters were able to extract a resident from a blaze at a two-story residence in unincorporated French Valley north of ...
Just before 7:15 p.m., firefighters arrived at the burning two-story residence in unincorporated French Valley north of ...