According to inspection notes, the inspector saw evidence of rodent activity “in multiple critical areas including ...
Caltrans is working to “reduce the number and severity of collisions” at one of SLO County’s most dangerous crossroads.
A new wildfire was reported today at 3:13 p.m. in San Luis Obispo County. The wildfire has been burning on private land.
A new prescribed burn, named La Panza, was initiated today at 7:33 a.m. in San Luis Obispo County. The prescribed fire has ...
The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors has declared April 2025 as Crime Victims’ Rights Awareness Month. The ...
The Board of Supervisors approved using money from the general fund to help at-risk people and families stay housed.
Compared to the map's last version, released in 2017, the total acreage considered “very high fire hazard” has grown by 234%.
The battle over the beach has been decided. A panel of three California Court of Appeals judges ruled off-road vehicles can ...
It’s Thursday, March 27th, here’s a look at the top stories we’re following on Daybreak. Plus, with the weekend around the ...
This is the next chapter in helping the city realize their vision,” Coastal Community Builders CEO Cam Boyd said during a groundbreaking ceremony.
LaMendola called CIMWI about the incident. His experience off Oxnard Friday was the first aggressive sea lion reported to the nonprofit during this domoic acid outbreak. As of Friday, no other marine ...