Morris received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions on September 17, 1969, while commanding the Third Company, Third Battalion of the IV Mobile Strike Force near Chi Lang, Vietnam. Then-Staff ...
VFW Post 1287 welcomes all Vietnam veterans and their friends and families to join us in celebrating Vietnam War Veterans Day on Saturday, March 29. The first glass of beer ...
Observed annually on March 25th, National Medal of Honor Day is a day dedicated to honoring the brave men and women who have been awarded the United States' hi ...
A proclamation was made on March 29, 2012, by President Barack Obama, declaring that very day, March 29, 2012, will be “Vietnam Veterans Day.” He called on “all Americans to observe this day with ...
A ceremony commemorating National Vietnam War Veterans Day will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 29, in front of the ...
Vietnam War Veterans Day is intended to honor all who served during the war no matter where they were stationed.