Everything has been leading to this, with David and Goliath both primed for battle in House of David Episode 7. Read our ...
Francis was admitted to a hospital Feb. 14 after a bout of bronchitis worsened. He later developed a life-threatening case of ...
The King and Queen are set to visit Durham this April as the annual royal maundy service has been confirmed to be taking place at Durham Cathedral. Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, is ...
IN GRIEF, the South African liberation movement paid tribute to struggle veteran Ahmed Kathrada who died yesterday aged 87 after a long illness. President Jacob Zuma declared two days of national ...
What does this mean? And how can the new King Charles, Head of the Commonwealth, be a servant? The church ceremony’s rites and rituals extend back to the first coronation in 1066. However, the theme ...
Lent concludes on Thursday, April 17 this year ... are burned into a fine powder and in the United States, mixed with holy water or oil to create a light paste, according to the Catholic News ...
They were dressed in sackcloth, covered with ashes, and forced to remain separate from the community until Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter, when they were resurrected.
The 166th running of the King's Plate will be held Aug. 16 at Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto. Tickets for the race day will go on sale Thursday at KingsPlate.com and on Ticketmaster. General ...
As part of this ritual, they were sprinkled with ashes, clothed in sackcloth, and required to stay apart from the community until their reconciliation on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter.
Ash Wednesday is on March 5, also known as the Day of Ashes, where you may see people with ashes in the shape of a cross smudged on their forehead or abstaining from eating meat. Ash Wednesday is ...