Langston broke out to an early lead in the first half and was able to hold on in the second half to claim the Sooner Athletic Conference Women's Basketball Tournament Championship presented by The ...
Langston University and the University of Central Oklahoma were among 216 schools that received the new “Research Colleges and Universities” designation in the Carnegie Classification ...
Bryce Monroe poured in a team-high 17 points, leading No. 23 Langston University past Nelson University 65-62 to clinch Langston's third consecutive tournament title on Tuesday night at C.F ...
Look at this snapshot of Noah Berlin-Langston’s wrestling career at Highland Park. As a sophomore first-year wrestler: He finished 5-18, went winless in tournaments and said, “I honestly didn ...
They had proposed opening another burger joint on Langston Blvd all the way back in 2019. However, those plans shifted as the duo waited nearly four years for the building’s electrical system to ...
Chris Langston said removing his own tooth was not his "proudest moment" A man who pulled out his own tooth with pliers after struggling to get an NHS dental appointment has been approached by ...
Piharakennus tuhoutui keskiviikkoiltana rajussa tulipalossa Joensuun Marjalassa. Haluatko lukea koko jutun? Tilaa digi ja pääset lukemaan kaikki Karjalaisen sisällöt. Tilaa 3 kk 9,90 €/kk Tilaa 2 kk ...
Suomeen on tullut kaksi mestaruutta (JYP vuonna 2018 ja Tappara vuonna 2023). Marjala ja Hämeenaho 40 tehopisteen kerhoon Suomen Liigan nuoret tähdet Viljami Marjala ja Lenni Hämeenaho ylsivät ...
JYP pystyi parhaimmillaan kirimään päätöserässä jo kahden maalin päähän, mutta ei sen lähemmäksi. Viljami Marjala syötti turkulaisille kolme maalia, Lukas Wernblom iski tehot 2+1 ja Eetu Päkkilä osui ...
Miesten jääkiekkoliigan kellarikerrokseen jumittunut Turun Palloseura sai vähän lohtua ahdinkoonsa, kun joukkue nappasi lauantaina viikon toisen kotivoittonsa. Keskiviikkona TPS murjoi Turkuhallissa ...