President Director of state oil and gas firm Pertamina Simon Aloysius Mantiri met with President Prabowo Subianto here on Wednesday to report on the ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT Pertamina (Persero) menempati peringkat ke-32 dalam daftar 500 perusahaan terbaik di Asia Pasifik versi Majalah TIME dan Statista 2025. Dengan skor 93,00, Pertamina menjadi ...
Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) sebagai anak perusahaan Pertamina terus memacu produksi minyak dan gas nasional dengan strategi inovatif dalam mendukung ketahanan energi nasional.
A composite image of Riva Siahaan (left), who is the president director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, and chief executive officer of Pertamina International Shipping Yoki Firnandi. (Source ...
Rina Pertiwi, a defendant in the corruption case of managing the execution of PT Pertamina (Persero) land in 2020-2022 after undergoing a prosecution hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court, February ...
JAKARTA: Customers of Pertamina’s nonsubsidised fuel brands have expressed both anger and disappointment over the recent US$12 billion corruption scandal embroiling some subsidiaries of the ...