Harrison told GW that while he was happy to improvise when needed, when it came to laying something down in the studio, he ...
Legend has it that after finding out about their affair, George Harrison had a guitar duel with Eric Clapton over Pattie Boyd's love - but did it happen?
The theft of George Harrison's Gibson Les Paul, Lucy, led to an international, televised chase and the divisive sale of a "ransom guitar." ...
When Mick Fleetwood re-recorded the Fleetwood Mac song 'Walk A Thin Line' for his record 'The Visitor', he enlisted help from George Harrison.
Most of The Beatles' legacy ends up falling back on John Lennon and Paul McCartney, but George Harrison made for the extra glue in their early days.
Fretless guitar virtuoso Ilya Franciosi tackles Ed’s tricky solo flawlessly to demonstrate what’s possible with the instrument ...
While later penning some of The Beatles' biggest songs, lead guitarist George Harrison spoke candidly about why his early songwriting efforts were so spare ...
The legend stopped by the VH1 studios with Ravi Shankar to chat about their new collaboration, leading to his impromptu solo ...
Despite it being his own composition, Lennon was embarrassed by and dismissive of the 'Rubber Soul' album closer, even if Harrison loved it.
The Fender Stratocaster is widely-considered to be one of the most iconic electric guitars of all time, having been used by legends like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and George Harrison, just to ...
With a storied history as a live band before their first single, The Beatles had played with several classic guitars before 'Love Me 'Do stormed the charts.