George Harrison had a reputation as the most lyrical guitarist ever, but he had his few times where he coughed it up live.
The Traveling Wilbury's are perhaps the greatest band to have never played live. But if George Harrison had his way, it would have been a different story.
The Fab Four shot some of the most memorable scenes of their second movie in Obertauern, with John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
In 2021, George Harrison’s widow Olivia and son Dhani released a box set ... And I actually tripped over my boots!’ says Lennon, a Beatles scion who’s self-effacing to his marrow, laughing again.
Being George Harrison’s brother-in-law gave him a unique insight into the extraordinary world of The Beatles circa 1969 ... Wycombe was like a fantastic boot camp. There’s something about ...
With platform shoes and boots they became superstars ... Finally, it was George Harrison who wrote "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" which appears on The Beatles 1968 White Album.
BENSONMEMBERS met in February back in our usual venue of Benson parish hall. We were very pleased to welcome our usual members plus three potential new members and our speaker, Faith Fitchett, who ...
The quiet one’s songwriting gifts fully flourished during the latter half of the Beatles’ reign, and we’ve collected his own ...
We know that The Beatles influenced rock and roll like no band or artist before or since. In fact, it’s hard to imagine how ...
The late Beatles rocker's discarded lunch previously ... A piece of toast allegedly eaten, then discarded by George Harrison in the early 1960s has reportedly been acquired by a memorabilia ...
The theft of George Harrison's Gibson Les Paul, Lucy, led to an international, televised chase and the divisive sale of a ...