Senate republicans took a voting-related bill that passed the House, stripped it, and put it back together again to include ...
Georgia lawmakers want school districts and other local governments to reconsider their decisions to opt out of a plan to ...
If Georgia is known as the "Peach State," then it must be the leading state for peach production. Right? Not exactly. Here's ...
"Excessive drinking" includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to ...
Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the CDC.
Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the ...
Clayton County Sheriff Levon Allen confirmed to Channel 2 Action News that the power is currently out at the Clayton County ...
Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the CDC.
Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the ...
Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the ...