Flatiron Freddy, a stuffed yellow-bellied marmot, is seen during the annual Groundhog Day Celebration at Chautauqua Park in Boulder on Feb. 2, 2023. (Matthew Jonas/Staff Photographer) There is ...
Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. On Feb. 2, Groundhog Day, chicken Cluxatawney Henrietta of Muscoot Farm did not lay an egg, thus forecasting six more ...
It will be overcast and windy Saturday night, with cloud cover lingering into Groundhog Day on Sunday, Feb. 2. Temperatures will fall below freezing late in the afternoon, setting the stage for ...
The origins of Groundhog Day can be traced back to ancient European traditions ... The Christian holiday of Candlemas observed on Feb. 2, became mixed with these pagan traditions. Candlemas celebrated ...
Groundhog Day is a celebration for all. Except, that is, the celebrity groundhog himself, Punxsutawney Phil, who just might consider it the worst day of the year.
The idea for this article came when some friends drove up from Houston, Texas, and stopped in Gettysburg on their way to Punxsutawney. They had wanted to experience Groundhog Day ...
In honor of Chopper the Groundhog – the only groundhog mascot in professional sports – the Gwinnett Stripers are planning a full and festive day on Sunday, February 2 that includes the launch of ...
Rob Cesternino (@robcesternino) and Akiva Wienerkur (@keev26) need a podcast and every week, Rob and Akiva spin a wheel of ...
Three is absolutely never a crowd where the annual spring woes of Cork football are concerned. Five years ago, and with Cork ...
Bill Murray flew into a "real rage" after he was bitten twice by his animal co-star on the set of his 1993 movie Groundhog ...
Ali Lasher is a “typical Jersey girl” pretending to fit in in the Midwest. She co-hosts the Reality TV RHAP Ups of the MTV ...
Holidays are a time of joy, happiness and time with friends and family. Many of us eagerly await holidays because they can be ...