Many of Sweden’s cultural and culinary traditions have their roots in the province of Dalarna, nestled in the ... showcasing the horse-powered farming practices of the 1900s.
It does not apply to other meats, such as horse, reindeer or elk meat ... Here are the postage dates for each region: February 17th-21st: Västmanland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, ...
Även intresset för att välja Dalarna som turistmål under de tre kommande åren har ökat visar en rapport från analysföretaget Kairos Future. – Dalarnas position har stärkts som resmål.
En modern nyhetstalkshow med dalafokus. Här kommer de hetaste dalaartisterna och kultur och nöje blandas med de senaste nyheterna och debatten, allt i ett högt tempo.
Centerpartiets ordförande Muharrem Demirok avgår efter bara två år på posten. Det gör att Leksands före detta kommunalråd Ulrika Liljeberg (C) kan bli ny C-ledare. Ulrika, som är uppvuxen ...
A horse has been rescued after falling through a wooden bridge in rural west Dorset. The animal's rear legs became trapped on Saturday afternoon when part of the footbridge over a stream gave way.
Horse racing betting with all UK and Irish racing over the next 24 hours, plus latest news, market movers, stats and bookie offers. Ante-post odds in Cheltenham Festival Betting and Grand National ...
Betfair.Betfair horse racing results provide you with access to all the racing results from the UK, Ireland and some selected international race meetings. The results above provide you with ...
The BloodHorse and have always been required reading in the Jones house. The BloodHorse Daily app is a fantastic resource for getting the day's most important news even more ...
When betting on horse racing, your goal should be to pick the best horse in the race. The same goes for choosing a horse racing betting site. Regardless, you’ll want a site with a strong welcome ...
Many of Sweden’s cultural and culinary traditions have their roots in the province of Dalarna, nestled in the middle of the country and famous for its folk music and Midsummer celebrations.