Columbus libraries offer more than books, providing resources, technology and community programs to support job seekers and ...
Dance therapy helps people process emotions through movement. Experts say consistent dance can boost mental health and build ...
Columbus residents could vote this November on whether the city establishes a division to dispatch nonpolice professionals, such as therapists and social workers, to ...
Those are two parents of children who attend schools in the Muscogee County School District. They say in their experience, little to nothing has been done to address their children’s bullying problem.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is cautiously optimistic about what will happen to Ohio now that President Donald Trump started ...
Changing the mindset of how U.S. schools and policymakers think of immigrants, particularly those who want to do the hard job ...
My colleague Senator Dorn has prioritized LB712 that I introduced. LB712 creates a more equitable tax structure for vaping ...
Groups of Virginia education leaders want answers about why Indigenous Peoples’ Day was removed from state standards ...
Bay Village High School has a long history of philanthropic efforts. One of the causes near and dear to the students is ...