A cloud of smoke and the distant toot of a whistle signalled the end of a 14-year steam engine restoration project on the ...
WITH a puff of steam, a shrill whistle, and a rhythmic chug, the newly-restored SR Merchant Navy class locomotive proved that even after 84 ...
The public will have the chance to be among the first passengers to enjoy a nostalgic ride on the newly-restored locomotive.
County Line Rail strengthens its Gulf Coast operations with the acquisition of Sabine River and Northern Railroad, enhancing ...
Mother Nature unleashed her winter fury over the Canadian Family Day long weekend, and maintenance-of-way staff inside plows began flying down the railways on Tuesday morning (Feb.18) as a result of i ...
Rail logistics provider County Line Rail (CLR) announced the acquisition of the Sabine River & Northern Railroad (SRN), a ...
A Manitoba semi driver and Maple Leaf Foods are being sued by Canadian Pacific railway ... train car onto the track, and repairs to the train and track near the railway crossing.
An unidentified man in his 70s was killed at a railroad crossing Friday afternoon, leading to extensive delays on Metra’s Milwaukee District North Line and Amtrak's Hiawatha service, which shares ...
A Lake Forest man has been positively identified as the person struck by a train at about 12 p.m. Friday, Lake County Coroner ...