Thousands of Ukrainian civilian volunteers recently ventured into Ukraine’s countryside in the dead of night loaded with ...
Laser weaponry evokes a wide range of emotions, often bringing to mind science fiction films like "Star Wars" or "Star Trek." ...
A Ukrainian company is making ammunition that disperses an incendiary material, small pieces of metal that burn at ...
Ukrainian forces shoot down about 80% of Russian drones throughout Kherson, but remain vulnerable to airstrikes and missiles, the spokesperson of Ukrainian forces in the province said on Friday.
If the answer to a bad guy with a gun isn’t a good guy with a gun, how about a good guy with a drone that disables the gun?
While the details of the negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump remain shrouded in the fog of war, there is ...
In fielding such a system, Ukraine would join an elite club of significant military-industrial powers that have developed ...
Fixed-wing ZigZag design and armament. The ZigZag’s design follows a conventional fixed-wing format and is launched via a ground catapult. Notable in the nose of the aircraft is ...